Finding your G-spot in life
TITLE: Finding Your G-Spot In Life

AUTHOR: Geethika Saigal

GENRE: Self-help

PAGES: 200 Pg


Geethika Saigal is an MBA and Economics graduate by education, a corporate leader turned entrepreneur turned writer by profession,an observer of the common place,an explorer of the unknown and a believer in self-created destiny. She chose the path of a life lived fully,explored globally,experienced intimately...before she took a pause, and started writing. This is her debut book.


The book is divided into four parts. Each part deals with finding the solution to a question by going through various steps along with the author's own experiences from life.

 The first part is 'who am I?'. In this part the author asks us to make purpose a way of life. It helps one in making a good use of time instead of wasting them. She stresses on the fact that without purpose, one loses one's identity. 

"When you give your time a purpose, you give your life a meaning "

Part two is about coming undone. Here the author talks about finding the negativity of our life and managing it. She states that coming undone is partly about letting go, and partly about sorting out. Then about our bad habits and how to overcome them. She shares some moments of her life with the readers in the end of this part.

The third part starts with knowing our fear and not fearing it. She explains what our soul really is and how to give it the freedom from our hectic life. She asks us to know who we really are and try to be our real self than what people want us to be. Towards the end of this part she emphasizes on women's problems and how men can help them. In the end she asks us to be true to ourselves not a wanna be to the world.

The fourth and the final part is about the importance of failure and what to learn from it. She talks about the four components of life, and urges us to be a dreamer. She says that life is hard and it throws curve-balls at us so that we are stumped.  We can either play the game of life or get played. Author makes us realise that anything more is not good, let it be money or power. Be the leader of your own life. 

" The end is sometimes the beginning "


The book is an absolute delight to read on. It makes us think about what we are and what we should be. It's best for teenagers and also to those even in there 40's still hasn't found the purpose of their life. 

It was the first time I read a self-help book and I am in love with this book. I recommend it to all those who still hasn't figured out the purpose of their life. The book I one of its kind. 

The author has put a lot of DIfY which is life changing. I tried them out myself and it worked.


Get to know the author through her instagram:

Happy reading to all!!!!


  1. A self-help book like no other soul-stirring, thought provoking, an unapologetic account of what brings you down and how to get back

  2. Good one dear 😘
    Keep doing.... 💞💕💓❤


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